VNPT NET Corporation

30 Pham Hung, Hà Nội

Company Size: 25-99

Company type: Product

Network Infrastructure Corporation, abbreviated as VNPT-NET.

VNPT-NET is a dependent accounting member unit of Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group. Established under Decision No. 86/QD-VNPT-HDTV-TCCB dated May 8, 2015 of the Board of Members of Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications Group on the basis of reorganizing Interprovincial Telecommunication Company (VTN), the telecommunications management and operation department of the Group, the infrastructure department of the Telecommunication Services Company (Vinaphone), the Data Communications and Computing Company (VDC), the International Telecommunication Company (VNPT-I), Vinasat 1, 2 satellites and technical infrastructure of the Transmission Switching Centers of 63 provincial and municipal telecommunications.